We will NEVER text, call, or email you for your eBanking login details. 

Do not share your credentials! If you receive a suspicious request, contact us immediately.



ID Theft and Fraud Prevention

Identity Theft and Fraud Protection

It's always a bummer when we waste money - what's even worse is when our money is wasted by someone else. According to the Federal Trade Commission, identity theft has topped its list of consumer complaints every year, for the last 12 years. Identity theft occurs when a criminal obtains and misuses someone’s personal information without permission, typically for economic gain. For many victims, it can result in drained bank accounts, poor credit, and a damaged reputation.

Report any suspected fraud to your bank immediately.

Follow these tips to help protect yourself from becoming a victim of identity theft:

  • Don’t share your secrets.
    Don’t provide your Social Security number or account information to anyone who contacts you online or over the phone. Protect your PINs and passwords and do not share them with anyone. Use a combination of letters and numbers for your passwords and change them periodically. Do not reveal sensitive or personal information on social networking sites.
  • Shred sensitive papers.
    Shred receipts, banks statements and unused credit card offers before throwing them away.
  • Keep an eye out for missing mail.
    Fraudsters look for monthly bank or credit card statements or other mail containing your financial information. Consider enrolling in online banking to reduce the likelihood of paper statements being stolen. Also, don’t mail bills from your own mailbox with the flag up.
  • Use online banking to protect yourself.
    Monitor your financial accounts regularly for fraudulent transactions. Sign up for text or email alerts from your bank for certain types of transactions, such as online purchases or transactions of more than $500.
  • Monitor your credit report.
    Order a free copy of your credit report every four months from one of the three credit reporting agencies at
  • Protect your computer.
    Make sure the virus protection software on your computer is active and up to date. When conducting business online, make sure your browser’s padlock or key icon is active. Also look for an “s” after the “http” to be sure the website is secure.
  • Protect your mobile device.
    onate, sell or trade your mobile device, be sure to wipe it using specialized software or using the manufacturer’s recommended technique. Some software allows you to wipe your device remotely if it is lost or stolen.

OUCH! Newsletter: CEO Fraud/Business Email Compromise

OUCH! Newsletter: Stop That Phish

OUCH! Newsletter: Smart Home Devices

OUCH! Newsletter: Five Examples of Social Engineering

OUCH! Newsletter: Phone Call Attacks & Scams

OUCH! Newsletter: The Human Side of Security

Tips for Consumers - What to do Post-Breach

Identity Theft Tips from the National Fraud Information Center

Privacy Rights Clearinghouse - Identity Theft IQ Test
Federal Trade Commission - Identity Theft
What to Do Right Away & What to Do Next
Federal Trade Commission Response Center
Consumer Guides and Protection
Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force
On Guard Online

Credit Reporting Agencies
(800) 685-1111
